Release Notes

Combined Shape

Update – V2.10

Release Date: June  12, 2024



  • Dashboard functionality with recent items, firm overview, incoming and out-going request and leader board. 
  • Create pitches with multiple practice areas. 
  • Notification center 


  • Email mandatory for referees 
  • Improved overall performance 


  • Several bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Improved error alerts 
  • New analytics software for debugging 




Update – V1.4.1

Release Date: March  22, 2024



  • Export pitch to PowerPoint or Word
  • Save publications into KLERQ
  • Export matter selection directly into an Excel


  • Improved global search on matters



Several bug fixes and performance improvements



Update – V1.3.2

Release Date: March  22, 2024



  • Show total number of matters in database 
  • Add a year to the testimonial 
  • Add links (URL’s) to a pitch 


  • Read more option in pitches to avoid to long text
  • Improve the maximum to number of industries to a matter
  • Improved testimonial editing 



Several bug fixes and performance improvements



Update – V1.3.1

Release Date: February 7, 2024



  • Label filter on the matters 
  • Referees automatically added based on work highlights 
  • Contact filter on the client overview
  • Standard preface in the organisation tab 
  • Change the name of the pitch chapters


  • Make it possible to only add country information to a contact
  • Change the default order of pitches
  • Archived specialist are no longer shown on the practice and industry overview page




  • Issue with invite expiration solved
  • Search bar issue solved
  • Search on specialist filter solved



Update – V1.2.1

Release Date: October 2, 2023



  • Add thumb stones of clients to the pitch 
  • Add office location to a specialist 
  • Add extra elements (chapters) to a pitch 
  • Create matter or referee button from the submission page
  • Automatic log-in when clicking on a send information request


  • More options in the deal value (estimation, exact)
  • Pitch chapters are sticky on the right 



Several bug fixes and performance improvements



Update – V1.1.1

Release Date: August 31, 2023



  • Change the order of work highlights and referees in your online submission 
  • Add a message to the Send Information Request
  • Additional activity logs 
  • Add deadlines to the submissions 
  • Add labels to the work highlights 
  • Add numbers on the elements in a pitch and submissions 
  • Named URL’s for pitches (see who opened the pitch) 


  • Support specialist are also able to approve content (when selected in the roles and rights) 
  • End date can be removed
  • Matter page remembers your filter selection 
  • Archived matters are not shown at a specialists profile page
  • More contact fields (postal code, city etc.) at contacts 




Several bug fixes and performance improvements