Legal Directory Submissions

Combined Shape

KLERQ simplifies the export of commercial data with a wide range of legal directory submission templates. Our coverage extends to key legal directories, facilitating seamless export of your commercial data. The legal directories we cover are:


  1. Legal 500
  2. Chambers & Partners
  3. JUVE
  4. IFLR1000


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Successful Submission to Legal Directories with KLERQ

1. Data Collection Throughout the Year

Ensure a steady flow of data collection throughout the year so you can consistently gather and organise relevant information. Use KLERQ to effortlessly capture and store key data points so you have a comprehensive data set ready for your legal directory submission.


Matters overview for law firms on the KLERQ marketing and business development platform.

2. Draft Creation

Seamlessly collate collected data into a draft format within the KLERQ platform. Use the intuitive user interface to organise and arrange your submissions as needed, allowing you to easily rearrange and restructure content. With KLERQ, you streamline the drafting process by efficiently arranging submissions to create a coherent and compelling narrative.

3. Collaborative Finalization

Use KLERQ’s features to work together and refine the draft into a polished final document. Encourage collaboration between team members by easily sharing drafts, sending requests for information and making necessary changes in real time.

4. Export to the Correct Legal Directory

Easily prepare your final submission by exporting the polished document to the appropriate format for the legal directories. KLERQ offers seamless export capabilities that allow you to create submission documents tailored to the specific requirements of legal directories such as Chambers & Partners, Legal500 and IFLR1000.

Advantages of Working with KLERQ


Automated Efficiency

Save time with one click: Automate legal directory submissions effortlessly and eliminate time-consuming copying and pasting. KLERQ’s law firm marketing software ensures fast and efficient submission processes with just a few clicks.

Standardised Database Management


All-in-one commercial information: Consolidate all your commercial information into one centralised database. KLERQ becomes the hub for your data, making it easily accessible and organised for comprehensive management.

Streamlined Submission Management

Effortless tracking and management: KLERQ makes tracking submissions and managing documents a breeze. Optimise your workflow, follow a simple step-by-step process and manage your documents for European jurisdictions efficiently. The simple board view improves project management and ensures a smooth submission process.